Chapter 4 - Back Propagation Network

This chapter describes the Back Propagation part of this report. The result of the program described in this chapter can be found in the next chapter. Here a quick description of the Back Propagation Algorithm can be found as well as the choices regarding our network. The program is described as well as the capabilities of it. And this chapter ends with a short description of the data sets that has been chosen.

4.1 Introduction to the Back Propagation Algorithm

The term 'Back Propagate' means just what it says. To propagate some signal backwards through the network, in this case it is the error and the reason we do that is to train the network. Basically this chapter explains shortly what a neural network is and how it is trained.
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The Neuron

This is the fundamental building block of any neural networks. This neuron is programmed to imitate the behaviour of the neurons in our brain. It can be thought of as a black box with many inputs and one output, the axon. On each input there is a weight which regulates how much that input is going to affect the output. Inside the black box, all the inputs are added together and when the sum exceeds a threshold value, the axon fires. This makes a pattern recognition unit that can be made to fire on a specific pattern, and it can be taught to learn specific patterns by changing the weights.
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Feed Forward Networks

A Feed Forward Network is made from Neurons and they are arranged in layers. Usually models of three layers are used, one input layer (that does not contain any neurons, but all the input signals), a hidden layer and an output layer which both are made from Neurons. It is the last two layers that actually does anything. All of the neurons inputs are connected to the previous layers outputs. This structure is called a Feed Forward Network.

Forward Propagation is when you input the signal vector to the network through the input layer and then check what outputs are generated on the output layer. When the network is not trained, it can present almost anything on the outputs. It is the possibility to train this network that makes it worth while.
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Back Propagation Network

This is a process to train a Feed Forward Network, it is called Back Propagation because that is in essence what is done. The error from the outputs are propagated backwards through the network so that the weights can be updated to recognise the chosen pattern. This of course requires that there is a wanted output from the input vector. This is also called Supervised learning.
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4.2 Back Propagation Choices

The network that is used consists of only one hidden layer and the weights are initialized to a random number between minus and plus one, divided with the square root of the number of neurons in the same layer. As shown in the following formula.

The momentum and learning rate was chosen to be a fixed value rather than an adaptive one. They were both tested in different intervals and the result of that testing is described in the next chapter. In the initializing phase the layer sizes are set depending on the input data set. Only the hidden layer size can be altered for a specific data set. As the activation function the hyperbolic tangent function was used, because it makes it easy to compute the local gradient (delta value). The parameters A and B were both set to one in the beginning but was also tested in different intervals to see the effect they have on the performance. This formula shows how the parameters A and B were used in the network.

Also the choice to train the network after showing one input vector was chosen. The alternative is to accumulate the total error over all of the input vectors and then train the network. The training after each input vector should lead to quicker converging and it does seem to work.
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4.3 Program Structure

The program consists of two source files and one header file. It is completely written in ANSI C and it is compileable under Linux. An accompanying Makefile has also been made to make the compiling process more simpler. It is important to notice that if the same readfile.c is used for both projects, a make clean must be issued before compiling the other program. This is done because the compile time option to normalize values must be set correctly. If this is not done, all data will be normalized in the other range, 0 to 1 instead of -1 to 1.
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This is the same file that was used for the Kohonen task. The only change is that the normalize function now normalizes the values between -1 and 1. This is because that is the range that is used in backprop.c.
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The program file can be divided into three main tasks, the first is initialization, the second is the progress indicator and the last is the actual network training. The main program loop starts with the progress indicator. The second part of the main loop does the actual training and it can be divided into three main tasks, read a row of data, present it to the network, and then train it using back propagation.

The first thing done in the initialization is to read the input data, this is done by calling a function in readfile.c. Then all data structures are allocated, the weights are initialized randomly between values that are relative to the size of the layer and all other data structures is cleared.

The progress indicator loops through the whole training set and computes an RMS error, and a correct percentage. The progress indicator loops through all rows of data and it is run twice for each program loop, once for the training set and once for the test set. In the end it presents a sequence of four values. The first value is the total RMS error, the second value is number of correct predictions, the third column is the total number of rows in the current set and the last column is the percentage of correct predictions. No training is done here, so the test set will not be contaminated.

The actual training is done in the second part of the main loop. Here three tasks are done. The first is to read new row of data, this is done by calling one of the readfile.c functions. The data is then presented to the network as two vectors, one for the input and one for the desired output. The second task is to forward propagate the input vector through the network to get the actual output. The actual output is then used in the third task, where it is subtracted from the desired output and the resulting value is back propagated through the network as Delta Values. When all the delta values are calculated the actual update of the weights are done.
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Changeable Parameters

The program accepts command line parameters, and with them it is possible to specify most of the neural network and back propagation parameters. More parameters will be added as the program grows in complexity, but it is always possible to see a list of supported parameters by typing './backprop --help'.

The current program has the following parameters. File or data set, specify which data set that is used for training. HiddenSize, to specify the size of the hidden layer, if this is omitted or zero, the default size is chosen depending on the following formula.

LearnRate, specify the fixed learning rate. Moment, specify the fixed momentum term, set this to zero or omit to deactivate. Parameter A and B, specify the A and B parameters that are discussed in Back Propagation Choices above, if omitted the default value of 1 is set. Number of iterations, specify how many iterations that should be calculated, set this to zero or omit to run for infinity. There is also the possibility to add a prefix to the created filename, this is specified as filePrefix. The size of the input and output layers are updated automatically to adapt to the input data.
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4.4 Chosen Data Sets

This is the different data sets that was chosen. For the easy choice we have chosen the Wine data set. For the hard choice we chose Proteins and the Vowel data set was used to test all parameters on. Because it is fairly simple and does have a lot of data to train on.
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There not much to say about this set. The Kohonen revealed that it should be fairly simple so a small hidden layer was chosen. It was run several times with small variations in the parameters, and the final parameters were set to the following. The test set consists of 20% from the original data set, extracted in a random way. This means that the test set will vary from each time, making the scores from each run incomparable.

Input layer size: 13
Output layer size: 3
Training data set size: 142
Test data set size: 36
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This data set is quite big and consists of a specific test part. This makes it good to use as a reference how good the back propagation program really is. At first each row of the data was represented as seven numbers, but later it was decided to use 21 numbers where each number consists of 20 Boolean values as described in Chapter 3, Proteins. It is the 420 input model that is presented here.

Input layer size: 420
Output layer size: 3
Training data set size: 18,105
Test data set size: 3,520
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This data set was used to test various parameters on. At first this was the hard choice, but when more complex data sets were found, it was used for testing purposes. It has helped to understand the parameters a lot.

Input layer size: 10
Output layer size: 11
Training data set size: 528
Test data set size: 462
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